Welcome 2018!

The 2017 year has come and gone, ringing in the new goals, new insights to our personal growth and the lightbulbs of what we want to improve about ourselves as we try to kick off 2018 strong. For me, as I reflect back on 2017, I realize it was my best year yet. No it…

Goal Recap: September 2017

WOAH September, you did NOT disappoint! It was another month of being pushed physically as I hit the peak point to my mileage in my training but it was an even bigger push mentally, making me hit a few lows in my confidence and just overall self-esteem. We ran our second Tough Mudder of the…

Goal Recap: August 2017

Another really busy month in the books as you can see because it’s taken me longer to sit down and write this recap! While it felt like we were gone every weekend of the month (newsflash: it was only 2 weekends), having two separate trips to Chicago can take a lot out of you. Mix…

Goal Recap: July 2017

July was a big, big month for me! We started the month off by traveling to Austin, Texas to see one of our best couple friends for an entire week! Oh my goodness is was a MUCH needed getaway in a city that we have adored since we first met it, dreaming of going back…

Goal Recap: April 2017

April 2017 accomplishments, faliures and new goals for May 2017. See why I’m scared.