Back To The Basics

“Working out is great, but how exactly do I do it?” This is a question I hear time and time again. So let’s face facts. It’s not the deciding to start working out and living a healthier lifestyle that’s hard, it’s the part where we actually make our legs walk away from the couch, ignoring…

Chocolate Protein Cake

This particular dessert was born one day when I simply wanted cake. A nice big slice of chocolaty scrumptious cake. The only problem was, I didn’t want all the calories and far and tight pants discomfort after eating too much. So of course I let my sweet tooth run my life (yet again) and checked…

My Journey

From gymnastics, softball and running to gravel basketball, open field kickball and climbing trees, I like to think I’ve always been a pretty active person. Growing up, my parents always encouraged my siblings and me to be that way. They didn’t believe in staying indoors watching TV or playing video games while we could be…